It just can't be!! I'm perplexed! I would like to know why God created men --- or the so called "men." Maybe it was just to complicate women's lives. Don't get me wrong -- I like men, I love men, but yet -- they confuse me! They, they're just so... so ...
Today I had a conversation with a friend after he read my away messge on the AIM that said: "I don't understand men. I don't understand school. Is it b/c they're both full of sH1t. Yeah...I think that's why. Where are the REAL MEN out there?!" Apparently he took offense to my message, then he pretended to teach me about guys and love! Haaaa!
He defended his position as a male & said that not all men are azzhols & that there are many nice men out there. It's just that girlz go for the "hot" guyz not the good onez because the "hot" guys are the azzholz and the girlz like to be mistreated & hurt. Of course I said that's bull -- we grlz don't enjoy mistreated! I argued that a lot of men act nice in the beginning but in reality most are azzhols in the inside. You just never know until you get to know them for some time. They only act nice until they have you in the palm of their hands and baaaamm! -- they do whatever they want to do with you and you can't do anything about it. In most relationships, I believe, one person usually gives more than the other. He asked me that if I found a person who was nice to me, would I be nice in return.. and my answer, of course, was: "of course!". I would just hope that they don't change for worse in the future. My friend concluded that I needed a NICE man, but yet, he failed to tell me where to find them..haha. In any case, I know for a fact that I can't fall for the first "nice" guy that comes along saying that he'll go to the moon and back just for me... furthermore... will bring down the stars for me... haha... guys: that doesn't always work! Like a good friend of mine (K) said "actions speak louder than words."
My friend, I wish it were that simple, and I wish it was just the fact that only some men are azzholz that bemuses me. I could go on & on..... there are those "nice" guys who fall for the "hot" girl, give her everything, then he gets his heart broken; also those that hit women yet say they love them; those who cheat on their wife with someone younger, etc.
I just don't understand. It's ironic -- they're confusing, yet I don't know what this world would be like without them. But seriously: "Where are the REAL MEN out there???!!!"